Cloud Security

Cloud Security Diagram

For a recent school project, I undertook the task of creating a highly available web server for "XCorp's" Red Team's testing and training purposes. Acting as the lead cloud administrator, I was tasked with documenting the network infrastructure created for this purpose. Using, I meticulously crafted a detailed diagram of our cloud setup, ensuring that every component was accurately represented. The diagram showcased our Azure resource group, virtual network with specified IP address ranges and subnets, the flow of traffic including HTTP and SSH, security groups configured to block unwanted traffic, and the load balancer responsible for distributing traffic among our virtual machines (VMs). Additionally, I highlighted all four VMs deployed, illustrating the presence of Docker containers and the deployment of Ansible. This comprehensive document not only fulfilled the assignment requirements but also served as a tangible demonstration of my proficiency in cloud infrastructure design and documentation, showcasing my ability to translate theoretical knowledge into practical applications.